Full Stack Kotlin
- 13. September 2022
- 12:00 – 12:45 Uhr
- Vortrag in englischer Sprache
FORMATION has been an early adopter of full stack Kotlin and uses Kotlin on both server and web. In this presentation, we’ll cover the pros & cons doing so, discuss challenges and solutions specific to this approach, and present an open source demo application for searching recipes that uses a multi-platform Kotlin client for Opensearch and Elasticsearch we wrote (kt-search), the fritz2 web framework, and Ktor 2 for the server.
Things you will learn in this lecture:
- Why Kotlin is a usable full stack programming language
- How you can blur the lines between client and server
- How exciting Kotlin’s future is when it comes to full stack programming
Du willst noch mehr aus der Veranstaltung mitnehmen?
Folgender Workshop passt optimal zu diesem Vortragsthema:
Workshop 2: Kotlin Multiplatform – how to share code on multiple platforms
12. September 2022, 9:30 – 17:00 Uhr