Startseite » Programm » Vortrag: Advanced DSLs in Kotlin
Advanced DSLs in Kotlin (Englisch)
- 16. Oktober 2023
- 14:55–15:40 Uhr
Detailed talk description
Kotlin has powerful support for building DSLs, and in this talk we’ll explore all the existing techniques used to build powerful DSLs for your applications. We’ll dig into the building blocks Kotlin has and see how you can leverage them into your current applications in order to simplify your code, thus promoting more elegant Kotlin usage for your domain specific needs.
Things you will learn in this lecture
- How to build custom DLSs
- How to combine different advanced features such as receiver lambdas, and dependency injection
- Explore cutting edge Kotlin features such as context receivers
- Practice by applying in a production-like environment
Your Kotlin expert
Simon Vergauwen is Arrow maintainer and Principal Engineer at Xebia Functional. He is interested in everything functional, and Kotlin, and loves OSS, snowboarding and Fallout.
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