Workshop 6
Startseite » Workshops » Workshop 6: Hands-On Kotlin Essentials
Hands-On Kotlin Essentials (Englisch)
- 17. September 2024
- 9:30–17:00 Uhr
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Detailed description of this workshop
In this workshop, you get practical experience with the fundamentals of the Kotlin language, at the level of a productive software engineer. By the end of this workshop, you will have a clear understanding of what Kotlin can do well, what good practice looks like, as well as what antipatterns to avoid. We’ll write about 600–1.000 lines of code from scratch on dozens of examples and practical exercises.
The workshop is platform-agnostic, so you can use these techniques on Android, backend/JVM, or multiplatform. Every topic below comes with examples, exercises, and a small practical project as time permits.
Key takeaways:
- Kotlin types and type inference
- mental models in Kotlin and differences from other languages
- in-depth Kotlin OOP: inheritance, OO polymorphism, OO data modeling
- objects, companions and code organization
- expressive Kotlin: method notations, operators, extensions
- idiomatic handling of nulls and errors in Kotlin
- generics & code reusability
- essential functional programming in Kotlin
- collections and their »standard« and functional APIs
- time-permitting: advanced Kotlin features, including delegation and delegated properties, inline methods, variance, advanced type system concepts
This workshop is for Kotlin developers who are early in their journey as well as software engineers with at least 1 year of experience with any other programming language but no experience in Kotlin.
In order for us to progress smoothly during the workshop, please install IntellJ IDEA in advance. It would be great, if you bring lots of energy and curiosity – this is going to be an intense full-day conversation.
Your Kotlin expert
Daniel is a software engineer and founder of Rock the JVM, an online learning platform dedicated to Scala, Kotlin, big data and functional programming on the JVM. As of April 2024, Daniel has taught Scala, Kotlin and all major tools to 90000+ students all over the world and has held live training sessions for some of the top companies in the industry, including Adobe and Apple. His Rock the JVM YouTube channel has also gathered more than 60 hours of tutorials, 21.000 subscribers and 1.3 million views. Daniel has also taught more than 30.000 kids to code (not in Scala or Kotlin, yet …).
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